How Diabetics Can Use A Continuous Glucose Monitor

Sara on April 30th, 2010

Occasionally diabetics have to have more than an occasional check of their glucose levels. It is at these times when a continuous glucose monitor can truly help out. Diabetes is on the increase for a number of reasons. Some of the more common ones include increased stress, a lack of exercise, and poor eating habits. […]

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Sara on April 6th, 2009

The blood glucose of a normal person ranges between a level of 80 and 140 mg/DL. The lower level is seen when he is in the fasting state, as on waking in the morning, and the higher level two hours after a meal (post-prandial blood glucose). The range of this blood glucose is fairly constant. […]

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Sara on March 16th, 2009

The treatment of the diabetic is to alleviate all these symptoms of weight loss, thirst, the passing of large volumes of urine, weakness and tiredness. Susceptibility to infections in the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and in the lungs (pneumonias) are common problems faced by the diabetic. Of course prevention of the possible fatal episodes of coma is […]

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Sara on February 27th, 2009

Glucose is a source of food and fuel for the body. It is derived from the digestion of the food we eat and it is stored in the liver and the muscle cells as glycogen and in the fat cells as fat. For glucose to be stored, the hormone insulin is required. Insulin induces the […]

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Sara on February 26th, 2009

Two-thirds of our blood volume flows through our two kidneys in one minute to be cleansed of waste matter that has arisen from our tissue cells, from metabolizing the foods that we have consumed to replace themselves or for the production of energy and heat. One common waste matter is urea. Salts eaten in excess […]

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Sara on February 25th, 2009

Glucose in excess in the bloodstream acts as a poison. One way by which it acts as a poison is when it begins to attach to the protein molecules of tissues in greater amounts. As an example, we find that glucose in normal amounts in the bloodstream, i.e. 80-140 mg/DL, is attached to 6% of […]

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Sara on February 19th, 2009

Salt bush is a plant native to the Middle East. Researchers in Israel found that 3 grams daily of salt bush capsules provided improved blood glucose regulation in Type 2 diabetes. ~Low Sugar

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Sara on February 19th, 2009

The statistics regarding diabetes in America are not very encouraging. However, the diseases that affect the diabetic are started and exaggerated by poor blood glucose control. You can minimize your risk for the following conditions. But be aware that ignoring your diabetes puts you in a high risk category for problems of the: 1) Circulatory […]

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Sara on February 17th, 2009

Anthropologists (scientists who study the origins of humans) tell us that humans were originally “hunters and gatherers”. Then came the ice age, in which vast regions of the earth were covered with ice and the remaining parts of the earth were much colder than normal. This Ice Age, obviously, was not conducive to farming and […]

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Sara on February 16th, 2009

Around 1500 BC, medical scribes in both India and Egypt described a condition of great thirst and urination. They treated this condition with high fiber wheat grain, a valid therapy which can be scientifically explained today. Over 3000 years ago, a treatment recommended for diabetes in India involved intensive exercise. Another ancient and good idea. […]

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