Unrefined SeaSalt: Nutrient Rich Condiment For Better Health

Traditional cultures all over the world have prized unrefined salt for its incredible worth. The word ‘salt’ in the Celtic language also implies ‘holy ‘ or ‘sacred’. The Sumerian God Enlil once insisted that Gods and human rulers should not taste food being prepared for them before it is consecrated by salt. In the Egyptian, Greek and Roman cultures, salt was thought of as a divine gift and regularly used in important ceremonies.

The Romans attributed a similar high worth to salt which was used as a form of payment. Roman infantrymen were regularly paid a ‘salary’ with salt; the Chinese had a particular God for salt, named Phelo.

On a practical level, unrefined sea salt is one of the most significant sources of minerals and trace elements on this planet, assisting with allergies, arthritis, asthma, digestive disorders, heart conditions, high blood pressure, kidney function, water retention and more.

The viewpoint of modern medicine that salt is a general poison, similar to tobacco and alcohol. People have been taught to believe since childhood that “salt causes high blood pressure”. Books on salt-free cooking are more popular than ever. If you call the British Heart Association they are likely to send you leaflets on the risks of salt. Luckily modern science now evidences the incredible health advantages of unrefined salt.

What they do not tell you is:

– Minerals in unrefined sea salt include magnesium, sulphur, calcium, potassium, iodine, indium and more

– The health restorative powers of unrefined sea salt equal those of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and many other vital nutrients.

– Unrefined Sea Salt is full of the necessary minerals many of us lack from foods in the Western world.

A low-salt diet for the treatment of high blood pressure is a gigantic national disgrace, based on dogma, not evidence.

A salt-restrictive diet can really raise your blood pressure and prompt faster ageing, cellular degeneration and biochemical starvation.

An absence of salt can literally cripple your well-being and cause renal (liver) failure, kidney malfunction and massive adrenal exhaustion.

On a salt-free diet, the heart muscle valves can tire, lacerate and result in a fatal heart attack.

Recommended Unrefined Sea Salt

Fleur de Sel (organic table salt) and Gros Sel Guerande (organic cooking salt)

How commercial salt is ‘made ‘

The multinational food producers buy unrefined salt in huge quantities. This vital nutrient is subjected to a degrading process of industrialisation that involves heating it to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit to break the molecular structure. This allows the extraction of minerals and trace elements and all of the goodness which is then carefully separated and repackaged as individual sources of iodine, selenium, magnesium, calcium, indium and potassium and so on only to be sold to us to boost the lack of minerals in our food. Now we know the reason why!

What’s leftover is primarily sodium chloride. Instead of being used for more suitable purposes, it is first bleached; dextrose is added to enhance the flavour, as is inorganic iodine and an aluminium-based substance to give it a free flow. This is packaged and labelled as SALT and sold to the credulous public.

It should be clearly labeled POISON as this is not salt. It is sodium chloride, or to the human being a slow kind of poison. In nearly every medical study conducted, sodium chloride is the ‘salt ‘ that isn’t good for you, not unrefined sea salt. Beware the corporations leaping on the health bandwagon; you want unrefined sea salt, not natural sea salt, which isn’t natural by any stretch of the imagination.

Thyroid malfunction

Shortage of iodine in food can bring about thyroid malfunction. The malfunction is due to a deficiency of minerals instead of by a particular shortage of iodine. There’s unquestionable proof that iodine enriched salts have limited benefit to thyroid conditions as they are based essentially on industrial salts. Inorganic iodine, added in an artificial way that passes through the urine within 20 minutes and the body inside a day.

Jacques de Langre the ‘Salt Doctor’ writes:”The healing properties of iodine-rich marine products were known and used extensively for treating goitre before iodine was isolated and discovered. Around 1500 B.C. The Greeks ate charred sea sponges and drank seaweed teas; later both of these remedies were prescribed for the handling of goitre by a Chinese doctor Ke-Hung, who lived A.D 281-361. The Chinese pharmacopoeia in the eighth century A.D. Listed no less than 27 different prescriptions for the treatment of goitre, every one of them using types of sea algae and other products of the ocean. Modern medicine discovered that iodine was a prime component of the thyroid gland in 1895, and the thyroid hormone, thyroxin, was first isolated in 1914. In the first enthusiasm of discovery, all kinds of foods were bolstered with quantities of iodine, completely out of proportion to the needs of the human or animal thyroid gland. Today the salt refiners, misguided by the medical establishment, continue this practice. Seventy-five years later, such overdoses continue unabated

(an average of 30 to 1200 times the dosage that occurs in natural Celtic sea salt). Iodine augmentation in inorganic form (such as through iodised table salt or capsules) is accountable for the obscure glandular “borderline” symptoms without tangible pathology. Too much iodine in any diet is as negative as the absence of it.”

A few years ago I rented a beachside home in Kingscote on Kangaroo Island, Australia. In the kitchen was a tank containing 6 dozy looking fish. I took a good pinch of Fleur de Sel and sprinkled it on top of the water. It wasn’t long before these fish showed a new lease of life. All they needed was the minerals!

“If you change anything in your kitchen, change your salt”

Jacques de Langre.

From a family of Clydeside Scots, Graeme was born and brought up in Hong Kong. He lived for 35 years there, as well as in Borneo and Indonesia. Intrigued by the way in which the different Asian cultures approach their health and well-being, he studied aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became familiar with many other ancient healing methods, from the traditional Jamu herbal medicine healers of Java to the body balancing mechanisms of Jin Shin Jyutsu, from Japan.

Along with his wife Phylipa, Graeme runs Resources For Life, a natural health business in Chichester, West Sussex. Much of what is available on their website has origins steeped in traditional knowledge.

To get more information on Celtic Sea Salt click here

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