The cause of diabetes used to be unknown. No one knew that it could be prevented. Eventually, the genetic and personality similarities in those with the condition caught the attention of doctors. We have since learned a great deal about diabetes and what causes it. Thankfully, some causes of diabetes are things you can control. Keep reading to find out some causes of diabetes and what you can and cannot do to control them. Also, you should seriously have a look at the Shakeology meal replacement shake it works really well and has a very low GI rating. Read these Shakeology reviews for more details.
Gender is not literally something you have control over (with the exception of superficial cases), but can be one of the determinants of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes. Men are more apt to end up with diabetes than women are. Unfortunately, there is pretty nothing you can do about this. If you are a man, though, you should be more alert for indications of the disease and should be paying attention to the parts of your life that could allow the disease to appear in your body. Be careful! Without a doubt, women should continue keeping an eye out (but not quite as much).
Pregnancy is one of the reasons diabetes happens. Gestational diabetes is commonplace for some pregnant women.
This is a condition that won’t last long and can be taken charge of through a proper diet. Women who have babies weighing above nine pounds are also more likely to end up with diabetes than those who have babies weighing below nine pounds. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done to keep the weight of your baby under control (plus, babies are being born at higher weights every day). Every pregnant woman gets tested for gestational diabetes so you do not have to worry about coming down with the condition and not knowing it. Your physician will help you find a way to control the disease if it happens while you are pregnant.
Do you consume a lot of fatty foods? Stop it! Diets that mainly consist of fatty foods are a leading cause for diabetes. This is one of a variety of reasons your medical professional will suggest you stop eating fatty foods.
Fatty food is bad for you all across the board. It can bestow weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and now we’re aware that it can also cause diabetes. Snacking intermittently won’t cause the disease. Regularly eating poor meals, on the other hand, could spell the difference between being healthy and being a diabetic.
Diabetes can take place from a number of controllable and non-controllable factors. Causes, such as genetics, gender and heredity are things you will never be able to control. Other factors like high blood pressure or diet are things you absolutely can control. One of the most excellent ways to attempt to keep the diabetes causes from getting the better of you is to maintain the best health possible. Even tiny choices like what you snack on every afternoon can play a part in whether or not you contract diabetes. Try to maintain your health the best you possibly can and hopefully you’ll be fine with nothing to worry over. Lastly, be sure to check out this article on a Shakeology ripoff warning.