Fancy A Potato Recipe?


Preparing healthy family meals is one of my biggest concerns. I am extremely satisfied that I maintain a healthy diet, though I am fighting for my kids to stay healthy. On most evenings I will gather my family round and make a family meals. Whilst eating, we discuss things on our mind and our family is united.


Potatoes are ideal to have in your kitchen, as there are hundreds of recipes you could do. This wonderful vegetable the potato is produced constantly throughout the seasons and is grown globally. It derives from the same vegetable group as tomatoes and peppers. Oven chips are an alternative to French fries and healthier. Potatoes are lovely and healthy; though this depends entirely on how you prepare your potato dish from the healthy low fat jacket potato or oven chips right down to the deep fried chips and Potato dauphinoise. If prepared in these unhealthy ways it will surely have some impact on your hearts health.


Potato skins are actually a very good source of dietary fibre; therefore do not peel this if you want extra nutrition. Remove the dirt by scrubbing with a potato cleaner. If you do not wantt your potatoes to discolourthen make sure you prepare them just before you are going to cook them.


If you are stuck for healthy ideas for potatoes why not cook them with fresh cod or any other kind of fish with a sidesalad and serve with baby potatoes. In addition if you prefer meat you can swap the fish for a low fat meat . You can prepare many main dishes with potatoes. As a starter potatoes can be served as a soup for instance butternut squash and sweet potato soup. As a main course you can make fish fingers, sweet potato chips with a basil and mayo sauce. Potatoes are brilliant for adding flavour or side serving your dish.


Probably you are a busy lady and do not have time to cook homemade chips for the kids each night, then why not serve some oven chips? They are quick around 25 minutes in the oven and simple to prepare. McCain wedges competition is wonderful if you want your kids to get involved with their food and for the added bonus they get to win prizes.

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