3 Life Giving Properties of Green Tea
Research into alternative healing foods is flourishing, and in the case of green tea much has been learned, already. Yes, this is a versatile food because it can help with heart support and weight control; the latter due to the tea’s stimulant qualities. But the story doesn’t end there, and each year is seems that more is being uncovered about the health supporting nature of this wonderful plant. Truthfully, everyone should drink green tea every day; but now we’ll talk about a couple of the reasons why we say that.
Straight to the point: teeth and gums; green tea will help heal and keep your mouth healthy. In recent years medical researchers have declared that there is a correlation between one’s oral health and the health of the heart. Next time you go to your health store, take a look at the toothpastes, and you will find that many of them list green tea as an ingredient. You can help prevent tooth decay by drinking it, as well, and that has been reported in certain studies, as well. Green tea will keep your mouth free of the plaque-causing varieties of bacteria – how about them apples? As you read, it is extremely easy to incorporate green tea into your life for dental health reasons.
Practically everyone has heard the word, antioxidants, and they are incredibly powerful for the effects they have on the body. You’ll be spreading a net of protection around you due to the antioxidants contained in green tea. There are also quite a few positive benefits from consuming the antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), and of course that does exist in green tea. Fresh fruits and veggies also give you the same benefits that are available in green tea. So the best thing to do is drink a couple of cups of green tea and then eat your fruits and vegetables, too.
Another way green tea can improve your health is that, by giving you more energy and focus, it makes it easier for you to stick to an exercise program. Just one result of that will be an easier time with the weight loss if you need to do that. Very many people drink and take supplements for added energy and even weight loss. You’ll find that many energy drinks are high in caffeine as well as sugar which is the last thing you need. Yes, green tea does have caffeine, but it’s a natural state plus a cup of tea has about half the caffeine as the equivalent cup of coffee.
As you can see, a lot has already been discovered about the amazing health benefits of green tea. People like to eat and drink green tea in lot of different ways which only adds to the attractiveness of this food. Not everybody wants to drink tea two or three times a day, and that’s fine because you can take green tea as a capsule. Are you wondering how much you need to get the wonderful health benefits? Drinking two or three cups per day is fairly common, but you have to find out what works best for you. Perhaps you will begin to make green tea a part of your regular day, and it will only help make and keep you healthier.
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Tags: drinking green Tea, Green Tea, Health, weight loss