Cooking Essentials For The New Professional Chef offers students an opportunity to learn the very basics of cooking while using the actual reference that professional chefs have relied on for over a generation.
The Cooking Essentials For The New Professional Chef. In addition to providing an excellent foundation in such cooking essentials as raw ingredients, tools, classic techniques, and foundation recipes, the academic version of this professional reference clarifies every concept with supportive text, step-by-step photos in full color, illustrations, and informative tables.
Special features designed to assist both students and their instructors include the following:
* Chapter Objectives emphasize key concepts and guide reading
* Highlighted Key Terms and Concepts offer a quick recap of the language a chef should be able to use fluently
* Footnotes define terms that might be unfamiliar the first time they appear in text
* Self-Study Questions and Activities reinforce concepts and help students apply them in a good problem-solving format
* Tables and Charts put important technical information at the students’ fingertips
* Sidebars highlight professional development issues, techniques, kitchen management strategies, and historical context
* Chapter Summaries recap the lessons that should be mastered
To help students build their technique, the over 300 foundation recipes conveniently grouped at the back of the book are organized from simple to complex, with similar types grouped together.
Students can very quickly locate the extra help with recipes by referring to the technique cross-reference feature that accompanies each recipe.
In addition, clear color photos, excellent tips, and good historical notes provide excellent additional support.
For more information about the Cooking Essesntials For The New Professional Chef, By Donovan please visit my Cooking Book Reviews website. The Cooking Book reviews website reviews all kinds of cook books and also inlcudes many helpful articles and recipies to get the most enjoyment from your cooking experience.od
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