Being healthy takes two things – regular fitness and full time healthy eating
Are you eating what you should and doing sport to stay in shape
We are generally a group of supporters and not doers We have become an army of sports fans every weekend but many of us do not have the time to play the sport we love
The live fan at least means getting off the chair gets to the game when television supporter just gets a few trips to the fridge and back
All the players cheer for need to be totally fit But that is OK hear you say as they are professional sports people
For many of us we can only dream of the that type of income The professional do fitness training every day
Being fit and healthy is more than just a decision and it takes work and real dedication
For most of us when we feel like getting fit we might go to a gym for a week or two The intentions were good but again it becomes too much work and easily forgotten
If fitness is not your thing it is time to start to do some better eating
Are we eating as we should No is the answer Eating fast food and snacking is easy
Begin by eating fresh natural food Eat some good fresh natural food What is this wonder food – It is fruit
First you need to get a healthy Recipes Cookbook and start eating fruit
Fruit is easy to take with you anywhere and you already like it
Here are some of my favourites
Cherries – some of the best sweet or acid cherries are pink or black When buying go for the ones that are firm and dry and avoid packets that have a high percentage of leaves to berries Try Merton Heart but the more acid Morello cherry is more suited to jellies
Plums or gages are round and greenin colour or Damsons which have black skins they are beatiful to eat
Bananas – are normally picked and shipped green and stored and sold in various stages of ripeness with the banana becoming sweeter as it matures Get them in when golden-yellow and in a bunch is rather than separately Try to avoid them if they are black patches as these will be damaged or any that have been squashed For cooking you should select under ripe green bananas as they slice better and will also keep for approx 1 week if stored in a cool place
Tags: Healthy Cooking Recipes, healthy eating, Paleo Cookbook