All You Need To Know About Sweets

We’ve always adored sweets and most of us wouldn’t be ashamed of admitting that we’ve never quite grown out of our love of sugary treats.  There’s definitely one thing that unites all lovers of candy and that’s their love of sweets and chocolate.Satisfying one’s sweet tooth can be something of a guilty pleasure and sugar is a key ingredient in most desserts and candy recipes – but just how much do we know about this addictive foodstuff?

It’s not just us sweet shoppers who need to know the facts about sugar – it is also important for cooks and manufacturers of candy and desserts to understand the differences and similarities between the various types of sugar and the possible alternatives that can be used.

It wasn’t always the case that this sugar was readily available.Before it could be bought as cheaply as it is today, many sweets and candy were made with honey.This practice hasn’t died out as many cooks will still use similar types of recipes today.In addition honey there are plenty of other alternative artificial sweeetners available on the market such as Nutrasweet.  These types of sweeteners tend to be used by more health conscious eaters and sufferers of diabetes.However, for most sweet lovers there can be no substitute for real sugar and there is a variety to choose from.

This type of granulated sugar is what most people refer to when they are talking about sugar.This is also true when recipes are referring to sugar, unless they state otherwise.  The granulated sugar that we buy is derived from either sugarcane or sugar beets and is produced domestically or imported from other countries. 

Caster sugar is another frequently referred to product and is also known as superfine sugar

Brown sugar comes in both dark and light varieties.Light brown sugar has something of a milder flavour and brown sugar has a much bolder taste.You will usually find that light brown sugar is used for making candy and it is important that the sugar is packed down firmly in the measuring cup so that the right amount is used in the recipe.

The final type of sugar that is frequently used is confectioner’s sugar.This is also referred to as powdered sugar and is most commonly used in cakes, pies and other desserts.

The amount of sugar that is found in our sweets and drinks can vary greatly.  For example there is a noticeable difference between the amount of sugar contained in UK-made and american sweets, however if eaten as part of a sensible healthy diet you should be fine.

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