Management With No Medicines In Type II Diabetes You Say ? Yes, But How ?

It is possible for many people with type 2 diabetes to manage the disease without taking medications. There are three main factors in making this happen. The first item to see to is increasing the levels of physical activity in your life. The next is incorporating a healthy diet rules. The final factor is getting your excess weight under control. The amount of dedication to these three factors will help put off and even avoid the introduction of medications into the management scheme.


A sedentary lifestyle often contributes significantly to the development of type 2 diabetes. Research shows that the less someone exercises the more insulin resistance they build up. That leads directly to the diagnosis of Diabetes. Even adding a small bit of exercise into your day will help break down that insulin resistance and helps regulate blood glucose levels. Exercise also lowers the risks of complications related to blood pressure and heart disease. Those with diabetes have an elevated risk of problems with those conditions. Exercise also helps boost your mood and motivates more movement throughout the day.


Diet plays a big part in the development of type 2 diabetes as well. When you eat foods high in refined carbohydrates, the amount of glucose released into the blood at one time is gigantic. When you combine this with insulin resistance, the combination is nasty. What are the rules for a diabetic diet? The first is changing your food selections. Eating things high in refined carbohydrates must be limited. Adding fruits and vegetables is a good thing. Another rule is eating the right portion sizes at the right time. Food intake should be steady throughout the day. Eating a huge meal can spike glucose levels. Your meals should mix carbs with proteins and include healthy fats.


As a person’s weight builds, their resistance to insulin also builds. Studies have documented this link between obesity and type 2 diabetes well. Losing weight is important in getting your diabetes under control. Just lower your weight by only 5 to 10% of your body weight will make a notable difference. The more you lose the better off you will be. There is no guarantee that you will be able to manage your diabetes without medications. However, adopting these changes will definitely help anyway. It will help minimize the amount of medications required over the long run. It will also help prevent off some of the nastiest medical complications of diabetes.


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