Diabetes Type 2 In India – What Causes Diabetes?

70% of the world’s cases of Type ii Diabetes are in low and middle income countries. The estimations of people with Type two Diabetes in India range between 35 and 50.8 million people. This makes up one of the world’s largest diabetes population, with China ranking closely at the top with an estimated 43.2 million patients. These occurences are amazing, but you must consider that India is home to about 1.2 billion people. With a little over 300 million residents of the United States, 17 million of which have Diabetes 2, the density of those with Diabetes Type 2 in the USA is 5% while 4% of Indian currently have the condition.


These numbers given here are only the people who have come forward and been diagnosed with a problem. Millions more are suffering without a name to put to their ailments. They may eventually be diagnosed, but because of the current lack of accurate diagnoses, the numbers are never fully accurate. Since Type ii diabetes is so prevalent in every country, yone wonders what causes Type two Diabetes and why everybody does not simply avoid the causes to remain free from the condition for the course of their lives.


The answer to this is that there is no way to simply avoid getting diabetes if you have a genetic predisposition. In this case, most are diagnosed with diabetes type 1 as a young adult or even a child. It happens due to the inability to result in sufficient levels of insulin naturally. Type 2 Diabetes is more preventable, though genetics do still play a role. However, allowing yourself to live an inactive lifestyle that includes a poor diet can lead to obesity, and 90% of diabetics are obese. A sedentary lifestyle is a factor that is largely what causes diabetes type 2. You also increase your likelihood of developing diabetes as you age.


People are more prone to developing Type two Diabetes if they naturally have a lack of insulin supply in their bodies. This is the genetic portion of what causes diabetes. Over time, the body begins to respond less to the production of insulin due to too much fat surrounding cells. Blood sugars remain too high and symptoms begin to appear. They begin mildly with signs like excessive need to use the restroom, sudden weight loss, lack of energy and blurred vision. These are all direct results of off kilter blood blood sugar levels.

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