What Causes Diabetes among Adults

Although the exact cause or causes of diabetes among adults are still hotly contested by medical scientists, at least there are known common risk factors observed among adults who develop diabetes. And knowing these risk factors is the first step against developing adult onset or Type 2 diabetes, says doctors. Aside from knowing what causes diabetes, it also pays to understand the pathophysiology of Type 2 diabetes to better inform yourself about how you can prevent the disease – or at least work your best to prevent it.

The Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes results from the body’s inability to use insulin properly or the cells inability to absorb blood sugar. For a cell to use glucose to produce energy, it must allow blood sugar to permeate pass its wall, and the insulin is responsible for unlocking the cell wall so to speak. What causes diabetes among Type 2 diabetes patients is that the body is said to resist insulin, perhaps dictated by old age or by some genetic factors.

Another reason of the poor absorption of glucose is the cell’s improper shape or mutation, which blocks glucose from permeating through the cell wall. This cause of diabetes is commonly observed among obese people.

What Causes Diabetes, the Risk Factors

While medical scientists continue to unmask the exact pathophysiology that causes Type 2 diabetes, knowing and avoiding the risks factors is the first defense against this potentially deadly disease. Although you cannot control your gene’s makeup, which is the biggest determiner of Type 2 diabetes, you can, however, control the environmental risk factors such as diet, virus infection, stress, and lifestyle.

You can’t dispute it; what goes into your genes is determined by your parents. If one or two of your parents or their relatives have diabetes, you’re automatically at risk of developing the disease too. It’s all the more reason you have to know what causes diabetes that you can have control over to lower your risk of contraction. Don’t despair if you’re predispose to diabetes though because capping the other risk factors greatly improves your chances of blocking the disease.

The first you have to watch out for is your diet. Eating balance diet with the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber greatly reduces your risk of developing the disease. What causes diabetes if you’re predisposed to it is to trigger it by eating foods high in sugar and fats, so eating healthy is imperative.

Virus infection, too, is said to cause diabetes because viruses destroys the proper pancreatic cellular functions impairing its ability to produce insulin. One virus known to cause diabetes is the Coxsackie B virus, which can be contracted through ingesting food contaminated with fecal matter or bodily secretions of an infected person. And your first armor against infection is to fortify your immune system.

Stress, whether emotional, physical, or psychological stress, can also trigger diabetes. In fact, what causes diabetes among city dwellers is the hectic city life that promotes stress. Stress messes the body’s ability to produce hormones in right quantity, and one hormone affected is insulin. So combat stress by doing exercise or just simply taking a breather and remind yourself that you’re carbon-based, too.

And last but certainly not least contributor to diabetes is an irresponsible lifestyle: one that is characterized by sedentary and vices. What causes diabetes is also the person’s irresponsible approach to health by eating the wrong foods, smoking, excessive drinking, and not moving around even just to clean the house. You know how to improve your lifestyle to follow the path to wellness – don’t delay it, do it today.

Always consult your doctor before using this diabetes information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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